Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

When people shop for a new car or used often, they do not think about insurance until the last minute. Many consumers fall into the trap of getting a car loan immediately due to the concession and accidentally sign up for insurance through the finance company. This may be one of the worst mistakes you can make. Often the financing of insurance companies that roles in the financing will keep prices high end of that additional expense on top of already high rates. When obtaining financing make sure you specify in the beginning that you get insurance through a company of your choice and not the finance company.

The best bet for finding the best deal on the cover of the vehicle to do your research before buying the car. Knowing in advance what kind of car you are looking for most insurance companies give you an estimate of which is located in the margins of the rates you can expect to pay. Remember, never drive off the lot with a car at your insurance and rounded. Accidents can happen anywhere at any time. The last thing you want to happen in an accident without insurance.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Kalibata City Square Present Jakarta Great Sale 2012

Kalibata City Square Present Jakarta Great Sale 2012

Wednesday, June 6th 2012. | Life Style, Top News Edit

Festival Jakarta Great Sale telah terselenggara lima kali. Gelaran keenam saat ini sedang berlangsung. Pesta diskon Festival Jakarta Great Sale 2012 (FJGS 2012) secara resmi telah dibuka, mulai tanggal 1 Juni sampai 14 Juli 2012. Pelaksanaan FJGS 2012 ini berbarengan dengan The Great Singapore Sale yang digelar dari tanggal 25 Mei sampai 22 Juli 2012.
Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Pusat Belanja Indonesia (APPBI) DPD DKI Jakarta sekaligus Ketua Panitia Pelaksana FJGS 2012 Handaka Santosa memastikan harga barang FJGS 2012 lebih murah ketimbang di Singapura untuk merek yang sama.

Jumlah pusat belanja yang turut meramaikan FJGS 2012 bertambah lima dibanding tahun lalu. Rinciannya, yang terbanyak 24 pusat belanja di Jakarta Selatan termasuk Kalibata City Square di Kalibata City, 19 di Jakarta Pusat, 11 di Jakarta Utara, 10 di Jakarta Barat, dan 9 pusat belanja di Jakarta Timur.
Dapatkan Diskon hingga 70 persen, buy one get one, midnight sale, dan berbagai penawaran menarik lainnya di pusat – pusat belanja di Jakarta. Enjoy Jakarta Kita!